Strathclyde Country Park BMX Workshops

Scottishbmxschool was thrilled to partner with North Lanarkshire council to offer free BMX workshops to local children and families within Strathclyde Country Park. Over the 16th and 17th of March we offered afternoon sessions from 12-2pm.

On Saturday we were lucky to get clear blue sky’s and even flashes of sun at points. We were excited driving from Edinburgh through with the weather in our corner. During our afternoon workshop we had around 12 participants across the two hour period. With varying skill levels across the group we aimed to teach everyone at least one new trick, and we succeeded! Our BMX Workshop is designed to cater to all skill levels in a fluid frictionless lesson structure which allows for each participant to have the lesson tailored to their preferences. Some will want to constantly try the next trick, other will practice the one manoeuvre until they complete the trick and of course some just want to have a pedal around and try our range of different bikes which we offer at our BMX Workshops. By the end of the Saturday session we have taught a range of ages and genders with new tricks landed and new friends made.

Reece and Scottish BMX School have provided excellent flatland BMX and Pumptrack BMX sessions for us here at Strathclyde Country Park over the last 18 months, allowing us the opportunity to offer this exciting activity to the people of North Lanarkshire and park visitors. The feedback we received from these sessions was fantastic and the skill, experience and patience of the coaches during the BMX workshops were first class.

Paul Gunn
Greenspace Project Development Officer North Lanarkshire Council

On the Sunday the initial outlook was not as rosy. Rain throughout the night had left the ground soaking and with grey clouds hanging above the Strathclyde Country Park. Upon our arrival we had 3 eager students waiting, two with BMX bikes and pegs and one without. After 20 minutes of warming up it was clear to our coach that these kids were already competent on a BMX bike. As a result we focused on them learning harder tricks. The student without a BMX bike had a natural knack for BMX flatland which we have never seen before. Not only mastering the tricks we were instructing through the session but preforming them with real style and grace. Which usually takes months if not years to learn on a BMX bike.

With Sunday’s BMX workshop over we packed up our BMX bikes and headed home. It was an amazing few days teaching BMX to a diverse range of students. If you are interested in our BMX workshops, events or just have a general question about the art of BMX flatland get in touch below

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